New Zealand's No. 1 Online Medical Services Provider.
Online Medical Services at your place.

"In Hawke's Bay there is a very limited amount of doctors. I moved from Napier to Havelock North and I can't get in to a doctor, so I think there will be a lot of staff in a similar position."
Brendon Smith,
Owner, Pak'n'Save Hastings

Doctor2Go is New Zealand's leading providing of on-line doctor consultations. Our service provides you access to a GP regardless of where in New Zealand you are located.
If you want to speak to one of our doctors please send us your details through the website and we will be in contact to schedule your consultation.

"The Doctor2go platform is used on average 15 times per month, and our people think it's great. It provides them with the opportunity to consult with a GP quickly and conveniently without leaving the office. We believe that bringing this service into the workplace is going to redefine corporate wellness."
Rob Hennin,
Nib Chief Executive

“In a few years the idea of receiving medical treatment exclusively at a doctor's clinic or hospital will seem quaint.”
Harvard Busines Review
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